Reporting and musing on events and culture in DR Congo since 2004

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Positive moves in Rwanda and Kenya

Here is a link to a report on NPR's Morning Edition called "Rwandan Rape Survivors Find Solace in Shared History" with the following description:

Rwandan women who survived genocide, but suffered rape and abuse, are finding some solace in a neighborhood association of survivors. It's a relief for some of these women to share their stories, after long keeping silent.

Thanks to the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS report for pointing to this link.

And again thanks to the Kaiser report, click this link, which is a profile of an American aid worker with PEPFAR through the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, who has been HIV+ for 27 years and open about it.

A quote from this article:

"When I first met Buck, I had to open my eyes wide to see the HIV in him -- he was the first white man I had met to tell me he was HIV-positive," said Elsa Ouko, 50, head of the Kenya Network for HIV-Positive Teachers. "And when he said how many years he has stayed with the virus, it made me accept my status more than I had before."


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